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7 Outfits In A Life | Tina Leung

7 Outfits In A Life | Tina Leung

Today we get a glimpse into a fabulous watdrobe. The lady is Tina Leung and her closet is so much fun.

Tina is a stylist (has done the garmut of celebrity styling to fashion week show styling), an influencer who has collaborated with Gucci, Loewe, Valentino and more. With over 200K followers on Instagram, Tina has great influence. She did begin as a stylist after studying at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology for a year. She began to style and then set up a blog called ‘Tina Loves’. She started getting invited to fashion weeks and this led to her becoming an influencer.

She shares a glimpse into of her style. Let’s see the 7 outfits in her closet with captions from Tina herself.


“Roaming the fields of lavender, writing up the next poem to my lover.”


“Just rewatched Clueless for the millionth time, heading over to a girlfriend’s place to play Animal Crossing together’’


‘At a cocktail to benefit a charity dear to my heart, Apex For Youth”


“When the Care Bears meet Mad Max. Suddenly been warped into a video game and need to fight my way out of it!”


“About to take the final exam for my Pilots license.”

See Also


 “Just farmed cherries and am bringing them to the market to sell!”


“Read up on a bit of Nietsche before a bite with a friend at La Voltaire.”

Tina with her witty captions and fun outfits shows why she is so popular; as she is simply having fun. She doesn’t have a specific style but if I could label her style, I’d call it “Playing Dress Up”. It is obvious that her joy, authencity and wit is why she is one of the biggest influencers. Follow her on Instagram.

Many kind thanks to Tina.

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