7 Questions With | Onyi Moss on creating her content and brand

Every so often you stumble on an Instagram page that is so beautifully curated and so cohesive, it brings you joy just looking at their feed. Onyi Moss is the lady behind ‘Mossonyi’. From her playfully chic outfits to the settings where she shoots her images to the tonal palette of her page, Onyi has created feed that is beautiful and would not look out of place in a magazine.
Imagine our delight to speak to her about her blog and Instagram page. Get all the information about how you can also build a brand for yourself on Instagram. She encourages people to do what they love. The interview was a joy. Please read on.

1.Onyi it is a pleasure to interview you. You have become an authority of style, lifestyle and travel. How did you get your start? Tell us a bit about yourself, what is your background, what led you to becoming an influencer?
Thanks for giving me this opportunity to share my story.
I am originally from Nigeria. I moved to the UK exactly on my 22nd birthday to further my career as an accountant. I managed to get my chartered accountancy certification (ACCA) a few years later but struggled to find a job as I had very little UK work experience. During my time of unemployment, I decided to invest in a camera and taught myself photography and started a blog as a result of it. Shortly afterwards, I got an accounting job in a bank but didn’t give up my new found hobby. I carried on with my photography and my blog and soon enough, I was able to quit my job as a financial accountant to pursue my passion full time, and I love it!

2. What does creating the content for feature take? What is the process for your photos to be produced? How do you figure how and what to have photographed? You choose some stunning locations. How is all that arranged?
Well, usually, featured content tends to come from clients who have a clear idea of the message they’re trying to get out. My job is to understand their band to the extent I can tell a visual story that represents them and myself.
To produce my images, I plan outfits, props and locations ahead of time which makes capturing the images a lot easier. Post production then follows with my signature edits.
I’m usually inspired to photograph things, looks or locations I can tell a visual story with.
In deciding locations, I google historical landmarks and museums which tend to have the vintage aesthetics I quite love. The locations I go for have to compliment my look and brand as a whole.

3. Your instagram page is beautiful. What does it take for it look so cohesive in colour palette and tone?
Well, thank you. To achieve cohesiveness, I use the same editing filter (one I created in Adobe Lightroom) to give it a similar tone. I also test the layout of my images in a private Instagram account to make sure it matches before posting on my main public account.

4. Before quarantine lockdown what did an average day for you look like? How did you juggle all your tasks such as having photos taken, managing your Instagram page, correspondence with brands and pr?
A typical day for me would usually involve a briefing from my agent, going out for a shoot, editing images, responding to emails and travelling a lot to fulfil campaign obligations as well as attend meetings. No day is ever the same which made it all the more exciting.
I have learnt to juggle everything by having a daily schedule that works for me. Since I post on Instagram everyday, I shoot first thing in the morning, followed by everything else on my to do list. It’s all about time management and finding a schedule that works well

5. What does it take to build the number of followers that you have. How can someone starting out achieve that level of followers and engagement with them?
It takes a lot of dedication, consistency, hard work and above all, patience.
Achieving the level of followers and engagement I have comes with time. All you have to do is show up everyday and remind people of your message. Those who connect with it will stick around and engage in the conversation.

6.What is the one thing you wish your readers knew about you?
I wish my followers would know that I do what I love doing so they have the courage to pursue their dreams as much as I continue to pursue mine. I am rooting for them as much as they are rooting for me.

7. Please complete the sentence. Being an influencer means….
Being able to do what you love so much so it influences others to do the same.
Onyi is a breath of fresh air. We thank her for the indepth interview and all the tips shared. Follow her on Instagram at mossonyi.