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Mental Health And Travel With Eloise Skinner And WeRoad

Mental Health And Travel With Eloise Skinner And WeRoad

It is mental health awareness week here in the UK. The theme is Movement and its effect on mental health.
In conjunction with this, we wanted to look at how travel specifically affects our mental well being. As part of mental health awareness week leading solo travel brand WeRoad has partnered with Eloise Skinner, author and psychotherapist pictured above on how travel can help ones mental health.

Did you know that travel is an opportunity to boost your mental health? According to Skinner the new experiences that travel affords helps reset our mental health. This is what she had to say…

“New experiences can increase our wellbeing in a number of ways,” explains Skinner. “Novelty triggers parts of the brain associated with dopamine (feel-good hormones), and new experiences can also increase our sense of present-moment awareness, helping time appear to slow down and allowing us to bring our attention into the moment.”

She adds that experiencing different cultures, environments and values can “enrich our understanding of our own identity and lifestyle.” Immersing yourself in an unfamiliar place requires adapting to new situations, which builds flexibility and openness to different viewpoints.

Apparently going solo on your travel adventures can also pay psychological dividends and Skinner says “Solo travel can certainly help with self-reflection and self-awareness, as well as providing a sense of peacefulness as you spend time with yourself,” notes Skinner. “It can also increase our sense of independence and autonomy, giving us skills of self-sufficiency and confidence.”

In addition to the benefits travel has for ones mental health, perhaps most importantly, travel provides a temporary escape from the daily grind back home. “Taking a break from our normal routines, habits and responsibilities can allow us to relax and recharge,” says Skinner. “By disconnecting from our daily patterns of life, we can gain new perspectives, develop our creativity, reduce our stress levels and improve overall wellbeing.”

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Given this, the next time you plan a trip away do be intentional about stepping away from your comfort zone, your new adventures will not only be a memorable physical experience but one that will boost your mental well-being as well.

Many kind thanks to Eloise Skinner and WeRoad.

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