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Space | Soboye

Space | Soboye

Space is a segment which takes a peek into a fashion, beauty or culture space. First up in this segment is Soboye, an Afro Luxe boutique which a sight for sore eyes. For twenty years Soboye has been the destination for those in the know. Founded by creative extraordinaire Samson Soboye, we got a chance to interview him on his luxury store that offers exceptional fashion and design. This is our conversation.

1.Tell us a bit about your boutique.

SOBOYE is an afro-lux store selling high end Clothing, Lifestyle and Accessories with an African flavour. We also offer a bespoke Service.

2.Why did you choice the location your store is in?

It is a compact space on a lovely tree-lined street in a lively area at an affordable rent.

3.What design features in the store do you most like?

I like the colours we have used in to paint the store – I also love the concealed changing room.

4.What have you currently got in store that we need to snap up?

We currently have a big Mid-season Sale with fantastic discounts on samples and one-off pieces.

5.Two things about your store that inspires?

The colourfulness and the range of products we design and create.

6. What is your current window display?

I’m currently featuring His & Hers Leopard Print outfits. We change it weekly.

7. How do we find your store. Give us your address.

13 Calvert Avenue London E2 7JP. Instagram: @soboye_

8.How long has your store been open for ?

We opened in December 2002 – this December makes it 20 years!!! Yikes – it has gone by in a flash. I never imagined we’d be here this long…

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9. One thing about your store that we need to know about?

It once was a TV repair shop but it had been closed and empty for 10 years by the time we moved in.

Shoreditch was not the des-res it is now. It was run down and rough but rapidly improved in the late 90s with the change in planning laws that allowed empty redundant industrial spaces could be converted into Live/Work and studios. Lots of Designers, Artists, Creatives and Tech start-ups moved in and this had a transformative effect on the area.

10.Finish the sentence. The Samson Soboye store gives….joy.

Packed full of bright, vibrant, colourful beautifully designed and made products that made in limited quantities. It’s inspiring and a delightful gem in a sea of mediocrity.

How beautiful is the Soboye space? A treasure trove for delightful garments and objects of beauty that will make your personal space stand out, this is the space to visit.

We love this space and we love Samson’s answers. The boutique is one to add to your address book. Located at 13 Calvert Avenue, London, E2 7JP you can call the boutique on Tel: 02077293521/ Mob: 07762927455.

Follow Soboye on Instagram at @soboye_ . We love this boutique and what it has on offer. Many kind thanks to Samson for this wonderful interview. We love Soboye. Visit them online here.

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