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The Strawberry Blonde Hair Look With Gwenda Harmon

The Strawberry Blonde Hair Look With Gwenda Harmon

It looks like strawberry hair is the only hair colour to have at the moment. It has been all the rage on TikTok. Celebrities like it too and everyone from Jessica Chastain to Blake Lively, have given the trend a nod. In a bid to let you in on everything about it we spoke to Gwenda Harmon on everything about the trending hair colour and how to get the look. Gwenda is a hair and beauty expert at Power Your Curls .She has been a hairstylist for more than a decade, and now is contributing her knowledge to develop products for all types of hair.

This what Gwenda shared on strawberry blonde hair!


Strawberry blonde hair is a term to describe light red hair color. It was a trend in the Italian renaissance when women use lemon and saffron to lighten their hair in the sun.

This color has a red and blonde color with a mixture of dusty rose and orange. It’s also actually ironic to call it strawberry as its copper tone is more visible on the hair.

It is also suitable to those who have light skin tone and those who have freckles.

It was first popularized by Marie Antoinette in the 18th century but now celebrities such as Blake Lively, Emma Stone, Jessica Chastain, and Rachel McAdams, among others have pulled off this look.

How to get the look

There are a few ways, one is using henna, which is a kind of a plant and people grind it until it turns into a powder. This is mixed into water and applied into the hair which attains the bright orange color. People use henna to get the strawberry blonde but it depend on the original color.

You would have to start of with light colors when doing this look. For example, if you are already blonde, then it would be easier to integrate henna to achieve the light copper or orange look.

Meanwhile, some may use a bright hair color from the brand manic panic called orange panic. People who have darker hair may need to do a bleach treatment first to lighten the hair color and then apply orange panic after a few days to achieve a bright orange color depending on how shiny their hair was originally. If their hair is dull and light coloured they would use henna first and then orange panic.

So for celebrities like Blake Lively, she is originally a brunette so she may have used a combination of henna following an application of manic panic.

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For Emma Stone, she is a red hair originally so she may have gone through bleaching her hair and then applied some orange panic to get a lighter orange tone. She may also used some ombre waves and highlights
on the tips of her hair.

For Jessica Chastain, she may have used some sort of developer to attain a balanced look. This is similar to a Goldilock’s type of look

We are so excited about this hair colour trend and love Gwenda’s thoughts and direction on it. Gwenda is a hair and beauty expert at Power Your Curls.

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